Understanding TPACK model integration
We studied TPACK model integration in today's lesson. Michigan State University's Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Kohler created the TPACK framework in 2006. Teachers need to possess certain types of knowledge in order to successfully integrate technology into the classroom, as outlined by the TPACK model. It implies that educators must be aware of the points where the pedagogical, technological, and content domains cross.
TPACK stands for Technological, Pedagogical, And Content Knowledge
• Content knowledge
- What teachers know?
• Pedagogical knowledge How do they teach? (the way teacher deliver the lesson)
• Technological knowledge -How to select and use the technology appropriately?
T- technology
P- pedagogical
A- and
C- content
K- knowledge
5 Steps lesson planning
Lesson plan No: 37
Name: Meto Seldon Course: B. Ed Primary Class: V Class strength: 20 Time:20 minutes Period: 2nd
Date: 28/05/2023 Subject: Science Topic: How sound differs.
Teaching skills/in focus: Concept and generalization; interaction skills; analyzing skills: use of TLM.
Previous Knowledge: They have learned about cause of sound.
Teaching Learning Materials Beaker, Water, Stick Measuring cylinder, Notebook, Worksheets containing questions of experiment, Rubber band and charts.
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, each child will be able to;
ho1. explain how sound differs in different size of instruments accurately after the discussion.
2 2. identify the ways to increase loudness of sound appropriately after the teacher’s explanation and activity.
3. demonstrate the experiment of how sound differs correctly after the teacher’s explanation
· 1. Anticipatory Set (3 minutes)
Exchange of greetings
Gain attention: by saying heart to heart ready to start.
1. What we have learnt in last class? Any volunteer?
Expected answer: one volunteer will summarize the lesson of previous class.
2. Okay thank you so much. Sit down.
How does sound vary with distance?
Expected answer: shorter the distance louder will be the sound.
Teacher: excellent, so what do you think the loudness of sound depends?
Expected answer: Distance, size of instrument and tightness of string.
Teacher: So, student when I play a sound you have to guess the sound okay?
Student: Okay madam
Teacher will now play the video consisting of various sound and let one of the student to guess the sound.
Teacher: Yes, very good, so what do you think we are going to learn today?
Expected answer: How sound differs.
I will give reinforcement.
Alright, today we will study about how sound differs. I will write the topic on the board.
2. Introduction to a new material (4 minutes)
Gain attention: by saying.......hocus, pocus, everybody focus.
General instruction; Firstly, we will discuss about how sound differs from different instruments. I will introduce the examples of how sound differs with demonstration from daily activities. Then we will do two activities on how sounds differ.
I will explain sounds coming from different musical instruments are of different frequencies. Greater the frequency of sound waves, sharper the sound produced. The loudness of sound produced by an instrument depends on the size of the sound box. Bigger the sound box, more the volume of the air column that vibrates producing louder sound. After that I will show the video for the better understanding,
3. Guided Practice (5 minutes)
Gain attention: by saying.......class, class.... yes, yes.
Activity (1): Experiment on how sound differs.
Do the activity together by guiding the students.
Activity instruction:
You will do this activity in a group. I will provide you with experiment questions. You will complete while conducting the experiment. You will get 5 minutes for this activity. After that you will share your answer to the class.
Provide them with same size of beakers, water, stick and measuring cylinder and worksheet.
Pour different amount of water into each glass.
Tap the glass with the stick.
Which glass produces the sharpest sound?
Which glass produces the flattest sound?
How will sound change if the glasses are covered with a notebook?
Checking the understanding of the instruction:
I will randomly pick up students to ensure understanding of instruction.
Monitoring the activity
Teacher will move around and check whether all are participating in the group work or not. Teacher will also provide help to the students if needed. Teacher will keep reminding the time.
After that let students share the activity in the class.
Brain break; milkshake cheer
4. Independent Practice (5 minutes)
Activity2: Sound differs with size of containers/instrument (group work)
Gain attention
Activity instruction:
Provide them with different sizes of beaker and rubber bands. You will do this activity in a group. You will be given 5 minute to complete this activity. You will observe and answer questions. After that you will share your observations to the class.
Wind the rubber band around each beaker firmly and pluck the rubber band at the mouth of beaker.
Which beaker produces the loudest sound?
Which beaker produces the faintest sound?
How does the loudness of the sound changes with the size of the containers?
Checking the understanding of the instruction:
Did you get my instruction? Can one of you tell me what you have to do?
(Teacher will repeat the instruction if needed)
Monitoring the activity
Teacher will move around and check whether all are participating in the group work or not. Teacher will also provide help to the students if needed. Teacher will keep reminding the time.
Extended Learning Activity
Let them complete questions based on their activity.
1. Why do you use bigger soundbox during your school’s cultural event?
Follow up activity
After they are done discussing in a group, I will let them present their work in the class.
Give rocket cheers.
5. Closure (3 minutes)
Gaining attention: Wi-fi, Connected
Teacher will end the lesson by using Green Card yellow card method in order to check their understanding.
Green Card mean they have understood the lesson and red card means they have not understood the lesson. If student raises red card teacher will say that she will explain those things in next class.
Teacher will assign the homework
How can we increase the loudness of sound? How sound differs with size of the container?
Give reinforcement
and teacher will say see you all in next class.
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